Be still my beating heart! We are so happy and proud of our whimsically wonderful nests, which come in a variety of delightful styles, from woodland creatures to gnome families and fairies with pet alpaca's! Each hanging home comes with two occupants, a woven twine for hanging, and an open doorway for playing.
- Hanging home for love birds - natural nest, natural birds
- Hanging home for mumma fairy, and her pet alpaca - red & fuchsia mumma and baby fairy with alpaca
- Hanging home for Aussie animals - leafy home, plus kangaroo and barn owl
- Hanging home for gnomes toadstool home - plus 2 gnomes
Fair trade: Rainbows and Clover are proud to be supporting a time-honoured tradition, handmade by skilled artisans who are paid a fair wage and work in favourable conditions in Nepal, helping village people in in their villages doing the handiwork that they love. Click here for more information about our felt.